Tuesday, April 04, 2006


It's been almost a month since I do any entries in my blog....is it?
Lots have been going through my mind recently and I'm going to get a white hair very soon enough looking at the rate that I'm going. hahahaha...just kidding! i have been sad, happy, confused, blurred, angry, depressed, fed up etc......such a wonderful mixed of expressions that I've experienced in just one short month...if you ask me what I'm feeling now....I dunno if I'm happy....sad....relieved...worried....fed up???? what should I feel now? I also dunno....! one thing that I'm sure is that I certainly miss Casey..my dearest housemate who is coming back on the 8th April...hope to see her real soon. I miss talking to that crazy gal who I've stayed with for the apst 3 years. sometimes sleeping in my room seems not that right without her there..although I dunno if she's going to share a room with me or not...yet...I'm very happy that she's coming back. Of course....CTH...you have your share as well....! hahahaha...that day when I was walking to WJ's house together with Erbert to execute WJ's theory of "sharing is caring" (went there just to send WJ 6 lovely biscuits!) ...hahahaha....I suddenly thought of the night when TH drove round and round in the carpark just in front of "Kah Ling" town lodge...hahahaha...!
Lazy to type already...mind very confused and don't feel like elaborating now...will talk about it later on...bb!